“Analyze this statement: “A long time ago the U.S. built the Great Wall to confine China.”

the part of the robot you can see
California can break off the United States. To go hang out with Hawaii. Alaska can come too.
The rectangular border of one “IS” versus another. The indefinite and limitless other must prove the existence of a nonexistent God.
Borders and borderlands are perspectives of space that may exist if the individual living on the other side of the wall acknowledges its existence.
Jñanaraja: “A vulture, which has only little strength, rests in the sky holding a snake in its beak for a prahara (three hours). Why can the divine, in the form of a tortoise, who possesses an inconceivable potency, not hold the Earth in the sky for a kalpa (billions of years)?”
A… ought to, must, could and would.
This is not a pipe.
“Let us move New York slightly lower,” said my friend sipping pink colored bubbly wine. “I am certain we will benefit from the warmer weather. Rain is so dull, really.” “Wouldn’t we become Florida?” “What’s wrong with that? Look at Miami!” “What about all that drug problem?” “Fine then, just leave it as is!”